Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Echo Bay NP

It has been pretty quiet her on Echo Bay the last couple day's. We have taken the Kayak out to swim and stay cool, it has been in the nineties. We have also been hanging out with new friend here at the camp ground. Jerry and Doris are from Oregon and are full time RVr's. They are headed for Quartzite for the winter down in Arizona. The camp host couple are Rich and Betsy and they are from Indiana. They spnd six months here on Echo Bay taking care of the campground for the NP Service. They have a home in Indiana and go home for the summer. Yesterday we gave the motor home a bath and Lynn did laundry while I took a nap, we all have our job's. They closed the Marina Monday to move it and so far it is still in the same place. I did see divers going out yesterday, I think today will be the day. Someone said it is costing the Government $1,000,000 to move it. Last year the government put in a new boat launch and Helicopter Pad but the water has come back up and that three million dollar project is all under water and can't be used, how do you spell engineeeeeer. As soon as they move the Marina I will post some pictures. The Coyote's have been singing every morning at day break and waking us up.
Our high speed motorboat.

Roger Hot Springs.

The campground is full of the flowering bushes in Pink,
White and Red.

We are the only people in the 40 site campground. We call it our private campground.

The Marina is supposed to be moved to this side of the bay.
We did go site seeing and visited some hot springs down the road. We also went down to a dispersed camping area on Lake Mead to check it out. Their were about a half dozen RVs camping on the lake, but the road is pretty rough getting down there. Hopes things are well with all.

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