Wednesday we drove to Henderson just out side Las Vegas and did some shopping. First we went to Costco and bought a few thing's. They had good prices on booze so we stocked up, we were getting low. We even found some adult chocolate milk, we have not tried it yet. We also stopped at The Arlene Ness motorcycle dealership and checked out the custom motorcycles. I tried to get Lynn to buy me one but she said $60,000 was too much. We then stopped at the Salvation Army store to buy a suit case for going to the Condo $2.50 Lynn was happy. Wednesday night we partied with our friends Dean and Judy at the campfire, it was a great night.
Today we went out in Deans boat again for seven hours skiing, swimming and a little drinking. They introduced me to Long Island Ice Tea ummm good. We took the boat up the Colorado River for about thirty miles and it was a gorgeous ride. Lots of sun and fresh air, it was about 90 degrees. Dean and Judy are leaving tomorrow and we will miss them, they are great folks. Wednesday when we were driving to Henderson their dog Muzbe got stung in the face by a big yellow wasp and her face swelled up so bad she could not open her eyes, she was OK today. I think we need a rest day tomorrow. This retirement stuff is tiring.
I don't know what this is but it is big and it scared all the other birds to death. |
Our camp site at sunset. |
Big red rocks everywhere. |
The girls are holding their heads on because of all the Margaritas last night. |
This is the entrance to the Colorado River. |
OK I have to tell you this story. There were three motor homes here with folks from France who did not speak English. I seen one of the motor homes pull over by Deans campsite and stop, so I walked over to see what was going on. This guy was dumping his black tank down a pipe in front of their rig. I tried to explain that this was not a dump station but a service shut off valve for shutting the water off underground in case of freezing weather, no luck. I went up to see the campground host and told him he better get over there before the other two dumped their tanks. Dean and Judy were off walking the dogs and were not happy to here or smell the news when they returned. We like it here and are going to stay another week. The weather is suppose to be hot and sunny all week and I want to watch them move the entire floating Marina closer to shore. Stay tuned.