We are here near West Yellowstone camped on the Madison river. It is a National Forest campground and cost $8 a night. We will be here until Sunday when we head south. This is a beautiful campground and our site is near the river. Yesterday we toured Yellowstone and seen lots of Buffalo and a bull elk with his harem laying near the river. While we were in the park we stopped by one of the campsites with showers and took a nice hot shower aah. It cost $3.00. It was a long ride but we seen a number of beautiful waterfalls and mountain scenery. Today we stuck around camp and got some chores done, then we took a ride to check out a fishing access site on Hebgen Lake. The site is pretty remote but we can make it in and launch the kayak. heir is supposed to be allot of trout in the lake, we'll see. We met a group of folks this evening that we will hang out with this week, they are allot of fun. We also went into West Yellowstone and did some shopping, Lynn had to get her fix.
Sunrise on the Madison at our site. |
Jay walkers are a pain. |
I bet you think this is Old Faithful,wrong it is Beehive and it shoots water higher than OF once a day. |
Someone give me a rifle. |
OK when I was fishing behind the motor home I told Lynn to watch for fish rising and feeding off the surface, leaving a little droplet ring. On our way back out of Yellowstone we were following the river and she was watching the water. All of a sudden she said honey the fish are feeding all over the river. I put my hand on her shoulder and said no honey it is raining.She was not looking out the windshield and never noticed it had started to rain. I will try and add a couple of pictures with my slow phone connection. See Ya
How Lucky you Are! :)