Tuesday sunset. |
Here are a few of the RVs. That's ours with the blue stripe. |
This is the building where they hold the seminars and entertainment. |
This is the vendor room, this is one of five aisles. |
We have been very busy here at the rally, attending seminars on all things RV related. The best one I attended was one on fire safety. Most fires in an RV are caused by an electrical wiring short or the refrigerator. A good question the instructor asked was is your refrigerator between your bedroom and the door? In our case yes it is. We have a large escape window at the head of our bed, so we learned how it operates. Some of the other seminars were cooking in an RV, RV sewage systems and how they work, tips on driving and backing an RV, packing in a limited space an so on. We have also been attending potlucks and eating way to much, we just returned from a great potluck put on by the Michigan Chapter of the Escapees Club.
This is where we had lunch. It is in the old part of town. |
Can't wait to try there cheese. |
The Cam-Plex where the rally is located is a huge complex, it has over a thousand campsites. There are people showing up with horses, it looks like there is going to be a large Rodeo here over Labor Day. We are staying an extra day here so we can get the motor home weighed, Lynn is biting her nail thinking she has went over our weight limit, I am sure of it.
We spent the morning running around town shopping. We spent the gift certificate Lynn won at the RV store and purchase a few thing we needed for the motor home, it was a great store and they had just about anything you would need. We replaced most of our lights with LED bulbs that take 90% less power to use, this will help conserve our battery power when we are boon docking.
We also went to the Chop House Restaurant and had lunch to use the other gift certificate Lynn won, it was very good. Across the street from the restaurant was a cheese store so I went to see if they had any five year old Cheddar, I love aged cheddar. They had a great selection, some aged for ten years. We also bought some rib eye steaks they had that were corn fed and reasonably priced.
We bought a bottle of this wine. Umm good. |
We had a sever thunder storm here Monday with hail and high winds, man you could see it coming, it looked very omenous. The storm was a good test to see if I repaired all the roof leaks before we left and yes we stayed dry, yeah. The sunsets are real pretty here on the plains. To day we got our Flu Shots right here at the rally, they had Walgreen's come in and give the shots. We need a break this going back to school is getting old. We have learned allot and it has been well worth it. I have attached some pictures of the complex. Y'all have a great day.
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